We are so excited to offer Winter pitching clinics to our U11, U13, U15 & U18 players!
These pitching clinics will be offered twice a month in the Gym at Drayton Heights Public School.
You can register for these clinics by
clicking here.
October 10 & 21
November 4 & 21
December 2 & 19
January 6 & 23
February 3 & 20
March 3, 17 & 27
April 7, 17 & 22
U11 & U13 - 7-8pm
U15 & U18 - 8-9pm
How do I register?
Through the website - click register and follow the prompts - or click the link above!
Do I have to attend all of the sessions?
No! This is set up so that you can pick and choose which sessions work for your schedule. There is a list of dates between now and May You can add individual sessions to your cart all at once or as they come up.
Will there be instructors?
Yes! There will always be an instructor or coach there to give tips and teach new things!